Sunday 2 December 2007

Private Invoking Using Reflection

Whilst working on a product the other day, a thought occured to me with regard to Reflection in Microsoft.Net.
I wondered whether it would be possible to create an instance of a type with Internal or Private scope which was located in another assembly.

As I understand it:
  • An object declared with Internal scope should only be visible inside the assembly in which it is located.

  • An object with Private scope should only be visible to the object that contains it. Private objects can not be declared at namespace level, only within other objects.
To see whether it was possible, I created a test.
I created a Class Library, FormLib, which contained a Public class name FormWrapper.
FormWrapper contains three further classes: PublicForm, InternalForm and PrivateForm.

PublicForm is declared as a Public class with a Public constructor.
InternalForm is declared as an Internal class with an Internal constructor.
PrivateForm is declared as a Private class with a Private constructor.
All three classes inherit from Form and contain a single Label control that states "This is a ... form", with "..." replaced by the scope of the class.

I then created a Windows Forms project called Demo which contained a Form. Demo is the startup project.
In Demo, I added three buttons, which would attempt to create an instance of PublicForm, InternalForm and PrivateForm respecitvely.

To start, I needed to obtain the Assembly object representing FormLib. This was relatively easy and was achieved by referencing FormLib from my Demo project and then enumerating the Assembly objects contained in the current AppDomain:
Assembly _Target;

foreach (Assembly Item in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
  if (Item.FullName.StartsWith("FormLib"))
    _Target = Item;


I assumed creating an instance of the Public class would be easiest, so I implemented this first.
The Assembly object has a method CreateInstance, which can be used to generate an instance of a type, as so:
object TheObject;

TheObject = _Target.CreateInstance("FormLib.FormWrapper+PublicForm", false, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, null, null);


The first parameter of CreateInstance is the full name of the type I want to create.
"FormWrapper+PublicForm" indicates that the type PublicForm is inside the type FormWrapper, which is unlike the standard syntax for a type inside a namespace, which would simply be "Namespace.Type".
The third paremeter, which is a BindingFlags enumeration, indicates:
  • Public - The public declarations of the type should be searched

  • Instance - An instance should be created
The way that CreateInstance actually works is to generate the Type specified in the first parameter ("FormLib.FormWrapper+PublicForm" in this case) and then using the static CreateInstance method of the Activator object to actually generate the instance. This in turn uses RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl (RuntimeType is Internal to System) which actually invokes the constructor of the Type.
We could, of course, use Activator directly, but we would be unable to do this with Internal and Private types in a different Assembly because the types are not available to us directly.

Now if the above code works, I want to actually display the form I have just created. To achieve this, following the above code I carry out the following:
if (TheObject is Form)
  Form TheForm;

  TheForm = (Form)TheObject;


I ran my code to see what happened, and PublicForm was shown as expected.

Moving on, I decided to try and repeat the above with the Internal and Private classes.
To achieve this, I made a small modification to the call to CreateInstance, first to create the types of the InternalForm and PrivateForm types, and second to change the BindingFlags to Private instead of Public:
TheObject = _Target.CreateInstance("FormLib.FormWrapper+InternalForm", false, BindingFlags.Private | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, null, null);
TheObject = _Target.CreateInstance("FormLib.FormWrapper+PrivateForm", false, BindingFlags.Private | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, null, null);


Upon executing the code, in both cases the form was shown as expected.
To provide further proof that internal or private methods could be executed using reflection, I decided to add a method named "AMethod" to each of the classes.
The scope of the method was the same as the class itself, so there was a Public, Internal and Private method.
In each method, a messagebox will be shown displaying that the method had been invoked.

Directly following the line "TheForm.ShowDialog();" in each case I added the following code to attempt to invoke the method:
foreach (MethodBase Item in TheObject.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Private | BindingFlags.Instance)
  Item.Invoke(TheObject, null);


The objective of the above code is to enumerate all of the publically and privately available methods in the type represented by TheObject.
This reveals the "AMethod" method (which is of type MethodBase), which I can then invoke by calling Invoke and passing the instance of the type in as a parameter.
The second parameter for Invoke is the parameters for the method call (which can be passed as an array of objects - "object[]"). In this case, the method has no parameters so I simply pass in null.

The method could also be invoked by using the InvokeMember method of the Type. However, I found this unsuccessful with methods with Private access so I discounted it.

A Potential Solution
A method that you could use to add some protection to your internal or private code is to monitor the stack trace when your method is invoked. You could also do this upon object construction by adding a monitor to your class constructors.
Basically, you can retrieve a list of the current call stack at the start of each method and ensure that the call to your method came from within your own class or within your own assembly, depending on whether it is a private or internal method respectively.
The following code demonstrates the use of this to ensure the caller is in the current assembly, which will validate access to an internal method:
StackTrace Trace = new StackTrace();
if (Trace.FrameCount > 2)
  if (Trace.GetFrame(1).GetType().Assembly != Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
    throw new Exception("The call to this method is invalid");


This works by examining the second method on the call stack (frame 1), which will be the direct caller of the current method on the call stack (frame 0). If the caller is not in the same assembly as the current frame then you know that it is in another assembly and has not been made internally.

This works a treat but sadly adds complexity to your program and slows it down. However, if you are producing code that must only be executed internally or privately, this method may offer a reasonable way of protecting it.

You may create classes for internal use only in your assembly, which have internal or private members, properties or methods, but you cannot rely on the fact that these classes and members will not be created and consumed outside of your own code.
The power of .Net Reflection demands that you must not consider your internal and private code to be internal or private.

If you would like the demo program I produced to show this working, it is available here.

Until next time!

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