Friday 17 August 2007

Protecting .Net Assemblies Part 1

Over the next two articles, I thought it would be interesting to look at a couple of techniques to make .Net assemblies less easy to disassemble.

Now I will presume that you already know that to disassemble a .Net assembly (EXE or DLL), all you need to do is open the assembly using the ILDASM tool, which comes as part of the Microsoft.Net SDK.

If you don't know this already, give it a try now - open ILDASM (through the VS command prompt) and then open the latest .Net assembly you worked on using it.

ILDASM can be used to reverse engineer most .Net projects if one so desired, but this would be a long and painstaking process. Converting IL back into VB.NET or C# is reasonably straight forward, but would require significant effort due to the sheer volume of work that would need to be done to achieve the result.

Another much more useful tool is the .Net Reflector, which is produced by Lutz Roeder. This tool provides the same functionality as ILDASM, but in addition it can disassemble the IL into c#, VB.NET, etc., and provides some extremely useful analysis capabilities too. You can download the .Net Reflector here.

It is worth noting that ALL .Net assemblies are vulnerable to disassembly. This is due to the nature in which they are produced. .Net source code, such as C# or VB.NET, is compiled by a .Net compiler (such as Visual Studio.Net) into IL (Intermediate Language).
This is a platform independant pseudo-assembler that is compiled at run-time by the Microsoft.Net Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler into native assembler for execution on the target processor environment (typically x86 in the case of Windows).

So, even if you were not aware that your compiled .Net code can be reversed before you red this article, I think we can all agree now that this is the case.

How then, do we protect our valuable source code from prying eyes?

A quick, simple and relatively effective method is to apply obfuscation to your code.
This involves using an additional tool to "scramble" the metadata and string portions of the code so that they are not readable by ILDASM and other such tools.

If, for instance, you had a MessageBox.Show in your code that display a message "Hello World", the obfuscation tool would replace "Hello World" with an encrypted byte sequence. When examined in a disassembly tool, the byte sequence would be unreadable and, thus, it becomes more difficult to understand what is happening in the program.

As well as strings, the metadata portion of the assembly is scrambled, so that the names of objects, methods, properties, etc. are replaced by a single unprintable character. This is most effective because if you had a method named something like "CheckPassword", which would be readable in the disassembly tool and clearly shows what the method does, it would be replaced by a single character which doesn't mean anything.

Unfortunately, obfuscation does not make it impossible to disassemble a .Net assembly. In fact, it doesn't really even make it difficult, because the raw code is still available in IL. It can be disassembled, and analysis of the code will, in time, reveal the purpose of most of the code portions.

Even the string data is not secure. Analysis of the code will reveal that each time a string (or obfuscated byte sequence) is used, a method is invoked which accepts the byte sequence (and sometimes an integer seed) as a parameter and returns a string. This is the byte decryption method, and the code for this is, sadly, freely available inside the .Net assembly that was obfuscated.
I have produced a tool myself that can break the byte sequence encryption for any string obfuscated by the Dotfuscator tool.

In conclusion, obfuscation adds another layer of protection to our assembly, but it doesn't protect the code in any way, so what else could be done to make the code more secure?

In my next article I will be exploring another tecnique, which should provide another layer of protection from prying eyes... assembly hiding.

Until next time...

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